Raw Almonds Slices
Raw Sliced Almonds
These raw almonds sliced to perfection are packed with a wholesome serving of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. You can confidently buy bulk sliced almonds from us and be assured of freshness that will taste delicious in oatmeal, pastries, or tossed in a salad.
Use Raw Almond Slices in the Kitchen
Raw almond slices are a great ingredient to keep around in the kitchen. You can use them in a number of different dishes to add a great flavor to a lot of different foods. Use them to make creamy, homemade almond butter. Or, toast them up and add them to a trail mix or a yogurt parfait.
You can even just buy raw almond slices to toast yourself, add a little salt, and voila — you have a deliciously simple yet tasty snack! Compared to lots of other foods, nuts like almonds are much healthier. Pick up some raw almond slices in bulk to get started on creating delicious snacks and treats using this amazing food!
Health Benefits of Almonds
Almonds are chock full of important nutrients that keep us healthy and feeling full. They have lots of protein, so eating them as a snack can help keep us feeling fuller for longer. Eating almonds regularly can also give you these health benefits:
High Mineral Content: The sliced almonds raw nature perfectly preserves the rich mineral content that consists of a recommended dietary intake of 49% biotin, 27% manganese, 26% copper, 16% phosphorous and 15% magnesium. Manganese and copper promote ideal energy production conditions in the body, while magnesium ensures proper bone formation and blood pressure regulation.
Lower Cholesterol: 64% of the total fat in almonds is monounsaturated, with its cholesterol-lowering effects being documented by exhaustive research such as the Nurses Health Study. Monounsaturated fats lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), commonly referred to as 'bad' cholesterol, while maintaining good levels of good cholesterol.
Antioxidant Rich: Almonds are ranked as one of the best sources of vitamin E, with 23 grams providing 40% of the recommended daily intake. The skin of the nuts is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which work with vitamin E to prevent free radicals from oxidizing LDL, reducing chances of atherosclerosis- a condition that causes narrowing of the arteries.
- Weight Management:12.5% of sliced almonds bulk is made up of fiber, which translates to about 3.5g in an ounce. The high protein content of raw sliced almonds complements the fiber to suppress feelings of hunger, preventing overeating when seated down for a meal. These nuts also make a great weight loss snack since 10-15% of their calories are not absorbed into the body.
Sincerely Nuts combines remarkable quality with the friendliest customer service, making us your best source to buy sliced raw almonds online!