Dried Pears

De $9.49


Pears are great source of vitamin B2, C, E, potassium, copper and fiber. They have significant amount of pectin, which is helpful in relieving constipation. They are rich in antioxidants. You can now get the health of pears conveniently. Sincerely Nuts offer exceptional quality dried pears, which taste great, making them excellent snacks. They are handy, so you can include them in your daily diet easily. They are perfect for office, school and gym.

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Dried Pears California

Sincerely Nuts offer dried pears from California, which offer a treat to your tongue and are good for your health. Pears are great source of water soluble fiber. They contain niacin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, C and E. They are high in phosphorous, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and sulfur. Dried Pears California offers innumerable benefits.

Dried pears have anti oxidant and anti carcinogen properties, which help prevent stroke and blood pressure. They are high in vitamin C and copper, which help protect cells from the damages caused by free radicals. Taking dried pears regularly can help prevent various types of cancer. The high content of pectin in pears make them effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels. They have mild laxative effects. Taking a few dried Pears after a meal can help regulate bowel movement.

Dried pears are excellent source of quick energy. They contain fructose and glucose in large amounts. You can take them with you to gym to get instant energy after working out. They have cooling effect, which help relieve fever. The antioxidants in pears are important for building up the immune system. Including dried pears in your daily diet is the delectable way to protect yourself from cold and cough.

Pears have anti inflammatory properties that help relieve various inflammatory conditions. They are rich in boron that aids your body to retain calcium. They help prevent or delay osteoporosis condition. The high content of folate in pears makes them an ideal snack for pregnant women. They help prevent neural tube defects in babies.

Pears have been known to treat throat problems. they make your body cool and nourish the throat, preventing throat infections. As they are rich in fiber, they help you get a satiate feeling. They also help reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Expecting and nursing mothers can take pears to get their nutritional benefits. Pears contain hydroxycinnamic acid, which helps prevent lung and stomach cancer. They are hypo allergenic, so anyone with food sensitivities can take them without any fear. Try to take a few dried pears daily to prevent yourself from age related macular degeneration, which is the main cause of vision loss in seniors.

Dried pears are appetizing and crunchy. They are fat free and have no cholesterol. Hence, they can be formed a part of healthy well balanced diet. They help sustain blood sugar levels. They have been known to treat diarrhea.

Dried pears from Sincerely Nuts are natural and tasty source of quick energy. They provide you with significant health benefits, whilst satisfying your taste buds. Order in bulk from us and stack up on these goodies to discover a whole new lifestyle.