Are you looking to boost your brain health? Maybe you want to boost your memory, retention, or even just improve the longevity of your brain.
Whatever it is, we’re here to let you know about three of the top nuts to boost your brain health and help you stay on your toes longer. Did you know that many people do not get the proper nutrition to stimulate and support a healthy brain for the long haul?
Let’s change that, today. Check out the information below to see where you can add these nutritious nuts to your diet more often.
The first nut is the almond. Almonds come shaved, honey-flavored, toffee-flavored, with a dose of cinnamon, covered with yogurt, smokehouse flavored, or even plain salted and roasted or even unsalted. Whatever your taste buds are craving, we have you covered at Sincerely Nuts.
Add some more almonds to your diet by:
- Using almond flour instead of regular white flour
- Add them to your desk for a healthy snack
- Throw them into your regular breakfasts for a boost of energy and endurance
So why add more almonds to your everyday routine?
They provide a hefty dose of nutrition, and they are one of the top nuts to boost brain health in regards to memory, longevity, and retention.
That is because almonds are high in vitamin E, which is essential vitamin to keep the brain healthy and functioning at its best. Regular intake of almonds could even potentially slow any cognitive damage to the brain over time. Those who consume more almonds tend to have better cognitive functioning than those who don’t get enough vitamin E in their diet, even elsewhere.
Almonds are not only high in vitamin E, but they also have a good amount of folate, which is an essential B vitamin that is necessary for brain development and functioning, too. B vitamins are necessary for overall health, especially in regards to brain health.
Almonds are a type of tree nut that is also high in mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and polyphenols. Healthy fats such as these are essential to optimal brain functioning. Polyphenols are a micronutrient that provide a ton of antioxidants, which can help to reduce oxidative damage throughout the body. That also greatly impacts brain health.
The next nut is the walnut, which is one of the top nuts to support brain health and functioning. Walnuts are even shaped like a brain to remind you how powerful they are at benefiting brain health.
Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids, which makes them a potent source of nutrition for everyone, but especially for vegan and vegetarians. It is essential that non meat-eaters get enough omega 3 fatty acids in their diet to make up for the lack of animal-based products such as fish.
They are specially extremely high in DHA omega 3 fatty acids, which is powerful to boost brain health. Consuming enough of this omega 3 fatty acid can help to promote better brain development in newborns, improve cognitive functioning in adults, and it can even prevent cognitive decline later in life.
Here are some easy ways to get more walnuts in your diet:
- Add chopped walnuts to your favorite baked goods with walnut flour, too
- Throw in some walnuts to a salad, yogurt, or cereal
- Snack on them plain for a mid-day boost
- Add them to a creamy smoothy to hide the taste
- Add them into your morning oatmeal with almond butter, cinnamon, and your favorite milk
The third and last nut is the famous and classic peanut.
Peanuts sometimes get a bad rap because they are higher in fats than most other nuts, but the healthy fats in peanuts are such an important brain booster.
Just a half a cup of peanuts provides almost 50% of the daily required allowance of an essential B vitamin for brain health, niacin.
How to add more peanuts to your diet:
- Make a peanut sauce in your next noodle dinner
- Grab a handful of roasted peanuts mid-day for a healthy snack
- Grab our famous trail mix for a healthy dose of nutrition
Don’t be afraid to add these nuts to your routine more often to reap the many health benefits including brain health.