4 Healthy Snack Ideas for School Parties

4 Healthy Snack Ideas for School Parties

When it's time to celebrate a special occasion in your kid's classrooms, it's easy to pick up some pre-made desserts at the bakery in your local grocery store. But, you don't have to bring sweets to make the kids feel like they're getting a treat! These healthy snacks make a much better choice when you're looking [...]

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Are Corn Nuts Good for You?

Are Corn Nuts Good for You?

You keep seeing advertisements for corn nuts. They look yummy, but you feel a little confused. Are they corn? Nuts? Something totally different? And are they worth adding to your snacking line-up? Below, we answer some of your most frequent inquiries about the treat known far and wide as the corn nut. It's not only something [...]

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4 Best Health-Boosting Chocolate Snacks

4 Best Health-Boosting Chocolate Snacks

Many people think you can't eat healthily and indulge in your sweet tooth too. But, we're here to tell you that you can! As long as you keep an eye on how much you eat, chocolate lovers can enjoy plenty of snacks while still keeping their health in check. When you're looking for some chocolate treats [...]

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Healthy Snacks for Concentration & Productivity

Healthy Snacks for Concentration & Productivity

You can get immediate gratification by indulging in your favorite foods, but eating healthy has much better long-term benefits. You'll have better cholesterol levels, improved weight management and a healthier heart, too. Choosing healthy foods also gives you better concentration and productivity. If you're a student, you have to balance classes, jobs and other activities. If [...]

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