5 Quick and Healthy Oatmeal Add-Ins

5 Quick and Healthy Oatmeal Add-Ins

Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. Eating a healthy and filling breakfast helps set you up to have a great day and get everything done that you need to. Skipping out on breakfast or choosing unhealthy foods can make you crash later or not have enough energy to [...]

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What Is Millet & How Do You Cook It?

What Is Millet & How Do You Cook It?

If you like browsing through new recipes or are getting into healthier cooking, you may have started seeing recipes that use millet. This food isn't prevalent in the United States, but it's starting to get more and more attention. But what is millet, and why should you eat it? Below, we'll talk about what millet is, [...]

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Healthy Snacks to Eat on the Keto Diet

Healthy Snacks to Eat on the Keto Diet

The keto diet is becoming more and more popular. When you follow it, you limit your carb and sugar intake to reach ketosis. During ketosis, your body begins breaking down proteins and fats for energy instead of carbs and sugar. The diet can help with weight loss, but you need to closely follow the rules [...]

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How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Wondering what to do with your pumpkin seeds after you scoop them all out to make a jack o' lantern? Don't toss them in the garbage. Instead, try making your own DIY roasted pumpkin seeds. These large seeds provide a load of protein and fiber, and they taste delicious to boot. When you roast them, their [...]

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