10 Healthy Back-to-School Snacks for Kids

10 Healthy Back-to-School Snacks for Kids

It's that time of year again — books are loaded into backpacks, binders are ready, school shopping is complete, and the kids are gearing up for their first day. It's back-to-school season, and you know what that means. With extended hours in the classroom, your kids are sure to get especially hungry during school, so prepping [...]

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Homemade Yogurt Covered Pretzels

Homemade Yogurt Covered Pretzels

Hosting a festive holiday party, family function or fundraiser? No event is complete without the perfect tasty snack, and with the rest of the party preparation underway, you might be stressing over how to prepare foods that will satisfy your guests in both flavor and quantity. Can you really make enough snacks for everyone? How can you do it without [...]

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Try Green Bean Chips as Your Next Healthy Snack

Try Green Bean Chips as Your Next Healthy Snack

You adore the taste of potato chips, but you know they aren’t good for you. All that salt, fat and grease aren’t just bad for your waistline and your arteries — you also feel sluggish and bloated when you fill up on unhealthy snacks, no matter how delicious they taste. Great news — you can still [...]

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